Thursday, November 26, 2015

Wedding Emcee Script

There are a lot of things you have to deal with when you are preparing for your wedding but most of the time, the emcee script is quite forgotten or taken for granted only to realize in the end that a successful wedding does not only mean that you do the necessary arrangements of the venue, food and guest.

A lot of couple is struggling with whether or not to hire an Emcee, where it may adding burden the couple looking at the cost of Emcee. Why don’t we take an alternative approached, which is getting the friends and/or relative to help out during the ceremony?

The emcee script is the most vital part of the program as it will be guiding everyone with the flow that will be happening all throughout the event. This will also assure you that you have everything under control and that you will also have the knowledge regarding the flow of the program. This is a basic emcee script which will be your guide; you edit the data on the document or consult your emcee if they still want to add something on it so it can be personalized and everything will go the way you want it to be.

We will suggest you to have 2 Emcee, 1 male & 1 female, 1 English & 1 Chinese speaking to fulfil the majority’s needs.  

Please see below for Sample Emcee Script

WEDDING OF [Name of Groom] AND [Name of Bride] ON [Date of Wedding]

Emcee (English): [Name of Emcee]
Emcee (Chinese): [Name of Emcee]


Arrive of guests and cocktail reception

Guests make entrance to ballroom
Play and loop the Pre-Wedding Montage
Helpers to brief all guests who are near the march-in path to use poppers during 1st March-In

A very good afternoon to all the beautiful ladies and charming gentleman. I’m [Name of Emcee] and this is my partner [Name of Emcee]. On behalf of [Name of Groom] and [Name of Bride], we would like to thank all of you for being here to
share this joyous occasion with us.
各位来宾,大家下午好。 今天是 [Name of Groom][Name of Bride]
大喜日子。非常感谢各位抽空出席他们的喜宴。我是[Name of Emcee],在我身边的是[Name of Emcee]。我们将是今天的司仪。

Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe you guys are interested to know how our couple was like when they were young and how their lives were before they met each other. [Name of Groom] and [Name of Bride] have produced a wonderful video to satisfy us. Please sit back, relax & enjoy
各位来宾,相信大家都很有兴趣看到[Name of Groom] [Name of Bride] 小时候可爱的摸样以及他们在认识彼此前的单生生活。他们为此制造了一段短片。请大家尽情观赏。。
Lights dim, play Childhood Montage
All bros and sisters form 2 lines along March-In path with poppers and flower pedals. Activate poppers during march-in.

We hope you have enjoyed the video. Today is indeed an occasion we have all been looking forward to. Two individuals have made the commitment to be life-long partners for each other. Let us now rise and give the warmest welcome to our newly wed, [Name of Groom] and [Name of Bride], as they make their grand entrance!
希望大家喜欢刚刚为您所播的影片。今天确实是值的庆祝的一天。两个原本莫生不相识的人能够相识,相爱到今天结为夫妇,真是难得。让我们起立,以最热烈的 掌声来欢迎这对新人入席。
First march in with music until both went on stage.

The couple will now proceed to the cake cutting ceremony which symbolizes the commitment to share and provide for each other. Let’s wish the couple a sweet and blissful marriage
After cake cutting and couples take their seat at VIP table.

Thank you [Name of Groom] & [Name of Bride]. Please sit back and enjoy this lovely day. Lunch shall be served shortly.
Lights dim and music plays. First dish comes in.

We hope you enjoyed the appetizer. Before we sink our teeth into more delicacies, our couple had put together their
wedding photoshoot to share with us. Let’s sit back and enjoy!
Play Pre-wedding Montage
When second dish is served, couples go to change and prepare for second march in.
Once couple is ready at waiting area, Emcees go on stage.

We believed that you have enjoyed your lunch so far. The sisters had a great time this morning teasing the brothers and [Name of Groom] during gate-crashing, as they try all means to convince the sisters to open the door to [Name of Bride]. We have captured all these to share the amusing moments with you. Enjoy!
Play the morning gate-crash video clip
After the Express clip and couple ready for second march in

We believed you all have enjoyed the video as much as we had. Without further ado, let’s put our hands together and welcome [Name of Groom] and [Name of Bride] for the champagne pouring ceremony!
Second march in till both went on stage. Couple proceed to Champagne pouring and Yam Seng

Our newlyweds will now do the nuptial toast. Let’s all rise and witness this memorable wedding toast!

We will now like to invite the immediate family members of [Name of Groom] and [Name of Bride], together with the brothers
and sisters up on stage for the Yam Seng toast.
1st YamSeng: Wishing them a blissful marriage 百年好合 1,2,3 Yum Seng
2nd Yam Seng: Wishing them an everlasting love 永浴爱河 1,2,3 Yam Seng
3rd Yam Seng: Wishing them to have a baby soon 早生贵子 1,2,3 Yum Seng
我们现在请双方家长,亲戚,兄弟 和姐妹上台来进行敬酒仪式。请各位起立,举起手中的杯,以三声Yamseng 来祝福这对新人。
第一杯YamSeng: 祝这对新人百年好合 1,2,3 Yum Seng
第一杯 Yam Seng: 祝这对新人永浴爱河 1,2,3 Yam Seng
第一杯Yam Seng: 祝这对新人早生贵子 1,2,3 Yum Seng
After Yum Seng

Please be seated


Our bride and groom would now say a few words
Speech by Groom
Speech by Bride

Thank you [Name of Groom] and [Name of Bride] for the wonderful presentation. Let’s give them another round of applause!
As you continue to indulge in the sumptuous lunch, the couple will come round the tables for the table photography. Please stay around!
谢谢[Name of Groom] [Name of Bride]。在大家还在享用午餐的当儿,这对新人将会到您的座位与你们和照。千万别走开喔!
Banquet Continue. Couples proceed with parents on photo taking from table to table
At the last 2 dishes, Both parents, Groom and Bride wait at entrance to thank guests.

We have now come to the end of the wedding banquet. Thank you all very much for your presence today. We hoped that you have a wonderful and memorable day with us!
Thank you!
来到了尾声,非常感谢您的莅临 与浓情厚礼。祝愿大家今后的生活一帆风顺,万事如意。

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